Rotator Cuff Tendonitis

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, Tear and Repair by Dr. Aditya Pawaskar, Specialist in Arthroscopy and Sports Injuries in Mumbai, Maharshtra in Matunga and Tardeo Road.

Shoulder - Arthroscopy and Sport Injury Specialist in Mumbai

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, Tear and Repair

Dr. Aditya Pawaskar is one of top notch shoulder arthroscopy Surgeon and Sports Injuries Specialist in Mumbai. With his extensive experience in orthopedics, he provides excellent care and effective treatments for patients with shoulder and knee problems.

Rotator cuff injuries are common shoulder problems that can range from inflammation (tendonitis) to tears in the tendons that make up the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons and muscles that help stabilize and move the shoulder joint. Depending on the severity of the injury, treatment options can include conservative measures, surgical repair, or a combination of both.

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis:

Rotator cuff tendonitis, also known as impingement syndrome, occurs when the tendons become inflamed due to repetitive overhead arm movements or aging. This inflammation can cause pain and limited range of motion.


  • Pain : Typically felt at the front or side of the shoulder, especially when lifting the arm or sleeping on the affected side.
  • Weakness : Difficulty lifting objects or performing overhead movements.
  • Limited Range of Motion : Reduced ability to move the shoulder through its full range.

Rotator Cuff Tear:

A rotator cuff tear occurs when one or more of the tendons tear, either partially or completely, due to injury, overuse, or degeneration. Tears can be small or large and may require surgical repair for optimal recovery.

Surgical Repair of Rotator Cuff Tears:

Arthroscopic Repair : Minimally invasive surgery using a small camera and specialized instruments to repair the torn tendon(s).

Sports Prone to Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, Tear and Repair and Injury Risks:

Rotator cuff tendonitis, tears, and repairs are often associated with sports that involve repetitive overhead motions, heavy use of the shoulder, and potential for shoulder impact. In India, the following sports may be linked to a higher risk of rotator cuff issues:

  • Cricket: Fast bowlers and players involved in frequent throwing actions may be susceptible to rotator cuff injuries.
  • Badminton:The repetitive overhead motions in badminton, especially during serves and smashes, can contribute to rotator cuff problems.
  • Tennis: The repeated overhead serving and strokes in tennis may lead to rotator cuff issues.
  • Volleyball: Frequent overhead hitting and serving in volleyball may increase the risk of rotator cuff tendonitis and tears.
  • Swimming: The repetitive arm movements in competitive swimming, particularly in strokes like freestyle and butterfly, may contribute to rotator cuff injuries.
  • Weightlifting: Heavy lifting and repetitive shoulder exercises in weightlifting can strain the rotator cuff, leading to tendonitis or tears.
  • Basketball: Jumping, shooting, and potential for collisions in basketball may contribute to shoulder issues, including rotator cuff injuries.
  • Gymnastics: The intense upper body movements and weight-bearing on the shoulders in gymnastics may pose a risk of rotator cuff problems.
  • Throwball: Overhead throwing actions in throwball may increase the risk of rotator cuff tendonitis and tears.
  • Wrestling: Wrestling, with its intense physical contact and potential for awkward falls, can contribute to shoulder problems, including rotator cuff issues.

Consult with Dr. Aditya Pawaskar, a Sports Medicine Specialist in Mumbai, to determine the most appropriate treatment for Knee & shoulder injuries based on individual cases and the latest medical advancements.
