Articular Cartilage Repair

Articular Cartilage Repair by Dr. Aditya Pawaskar, Specialist in Arthroscopy and Sport Injury in Mumbai, Maharshtra in Matunga and Tardeo Road.

Knee - Arthroscopy and Sport Injury Specialist in Mumbai

Articular Cartilage Repair

Dr. Aditya Pawaskar is one of top notch knee arthroscopy surgeon and Sports Injuries Specialist in Mumbai. With his extensive experience in orthopedics, he provides excellent care and effective treatments for patients with shoulder and knee problems.

Articular cartilage repair is a medical procedure to replace lost or damaged cartilage in the joints, especially the knee.

Repairing articular cartilage offers hope to people with joint pain and restricted mobility. Patients can regain joint function with the help of cutting-edge treatments from Dr. Aditya Pawaskar.

What is Articular cartilage?

In a joint, smooth, white tissue called articular cartilage covers the ends of the bones to provide cushioning and smooth movement. However, this cartilage can deteriorate due to trauma, normal wear, and tear, or specific medical conditions, which can limit mobility and cause pain and inflammation.

Causes and Symptoms of Articular Cartilage Damage

Sports injuries, repetitive strain injuries, osteoarthritis, or trauma can cause joint cartilage damage. A decreased range of motion, stiffness, and joint pain are typical symptoms. If untreated, it can adversely affect a person's quality of life and result in chronic joint issues.

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Articular Cartilage Injury

A doctor conducts a physical examination.

  • Diagnostic tests like X-rays are used to assess articular cartilage damage.
  • MRI scans provide detailed imaging to evaluate the extent of the injury.
  • Arthroscopy, a minimally invasive procedure, may be performed to visualize and assess cartilage damage directly.
  • These diagnostic tools help determine the appropriate treatment plan for articular cartilage damage.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Non-surgical options may be considered when cartilage damage is minor or in the early stages. These are a few examples of physical therapy, pain management strategies, activity modification, and assistive equipment like crutches or braces. Non-surgical procedures treat pain, lessen inflammation, and accelerate healing.

Types of Articular Cartilage Repair Procedures

  • Microfracture: To encourage the growth of new cartilage, this procedure involves making tiny holes in the damaged cartilage.
  • Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI): In ACI, healthy cartilage cells are removed from the patient's body, grown in a lab, and inserted into the damaged area.
  • ochondral Autograft Transplantation (OAT):Oste OAT entails moving healthy bone and cartilage from a joint area that doesn't bear weight to the damaged area.
  • Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation: In this procedure, the damaged tissue is replaced with donor bone, and cartilage taken from a deceased donor.
  • Matrix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (MACI): To encourage cartilage regeneration, MACI combines the implantation of autologous chondrocytes with a special membrane.

Preparing for Articular Cartilage Repair Surgery

Before undergoing articular cartilage repair surgery, the patient must undergo a comprehensive evaluation. This includes medical tests, imaging studies, and consultations with the surgeon. The orthopedic specialist will provide pre-operative instructions regarding medications, diet, and lifestyle modifications to optimize the surgical outcome.

The Procedure: Articular Cartilage Repair Surgery

  • Articular cartilage repair surgery is performed under general or regional anesthesia.
  • Minimally invasive techniques are utilized to access the damaged area, reducing tissue trauma.
  • The repair technique is chosen based on the extent and characteristics of the cartilage damage.
  • The surgeon meticulously repairs or replaces the damaged cartilage during the procedure.
  • The primary goal is to restore joint function and alleviate pain for the patient.

Post-Surgery Recovery and Rehabilitation

A structured rehabilitation program is essential for successful results after articular cartilage repair surgery. The rehabilitation process frequently includes physical therapy, pain management, and gradually increasing weight-bearing activities. For the affected joint to regain strength, flexibility, and mobility, the patient will work closely with a physical therapist.

Benefits of Articular Cartilage Repair

Articular cartilage repair offers numerous benefits, including pain relief, improved joint function, and a reduced risk of further joint degeneration.

Can articular cartilage repair surgery prevent arthritis?

Repairing the articular cartilage can lessen discomfort and enhance joint performance. Still, it may not completely stop the onset of arthritis. But prompt and effective treatment can halt the progression of arthritis and lengthen the life of the joint.

Understanding the causes, available treatments, and post-operative care associated with articular cartilage repair enables people to make well-informed decisions about their healthcare.

Sports Prone to Articular Cartilage Repair and Injury Risks:

  • Cricket: Fast bowlers and players involved in frequent running and abrupt stops may be prone to articular cartilage injuries.
  • Football (Soccer): The dynamic nature of football, with sudden stops, changes in direction, and physical contact, can contribute to cartilage damage.
  • Basketball:Jumping, landing, and rapid directional changes in basketball may increase the risk of articular cartilage injuries.
  • Badminton:The lateral movements and sudden accelerations in badminton can pose a risk to the articular cartilage.
  • Kabaddi: The physicality of Kabaddi, with tackles and rapid directional changes, may result in articular cartilage injuries.
  • Wrestling: Wrestling, with its intense physical contact and rapid movements, can contribute to cartilage damage.
  • Volleyball: Jumping and landing, especially during spikes and blocks, can increase the risk of articular cartilage injuries.
  • Field Hockey: Quick turns, sudden stops, and physical play in field hockey may pose a risk to the articular cartilage
  • Athletics (Track and Field): Events involving repetitive impact, such as long-distance running or jumping, may contribute to cartilage wear.

Consult with Dr. Aditya Pawaskar, a Sports Medicine Specialist in Mumbai, to determine the most appropriate treatment for Knee injuries based on individual cases and the latest medical advancements.
